Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Who could ask for more

We had a beautiful Memorial Day weekend. I don't know about you, but it was sunny, high 90's, and no rain. I think it was one of the best Memorial Days we had in a long time. Here in Wisconsin you just never know if it is going to be blazzing hot...like this weekend, or if we are going to have a blizzard!
Friday we got to spend some time with Auntie Kerri, Joy, and Bella - the dog. Here are the 3 amigos having "tummy time".
After Matt got home from work on Friday we headed up to the lake, our home away from home. We met up with Riley and Keegan - they were lucky enough to go up with Nana and Papa earlier in the week.

Carson had a great weekend! She learned how to roll over from her tummy to her back!

Well, that was our weekend. A lot of sand, water, and sun!! Hopefully there will be many more great weekends to come!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Lost A Sock said...

Awesome pictures! I love the one with the kids in the water. And where, may I ask, is the one of you with your great tan?? :0)

Go Carson on the rolling! Just please don't WALK before I see you next month!

Lost A Sock said...

And also, Auntie Kerri is doing a great job holding her head up. She'll be rolling in no time!
