Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thunder Thigh Thursday and then some

Well, wouldn't you know it, Thursday is here again. I can't believe we have been home 1 week already. It has been a crazy week around here. School, dr. apts, in house physical therapy, testing.....I am ready for a vacation again I think!!
The only thing that really hasn't change is my weight loss. I started back up on ww and exercising on Monday. Before I left I was down 62 lbs. I lost 1 while I was gone to make it 63 and today I am down another 5 lbs. Which brings it to 68 lbs.
I have until March 9th at 5:30 in the morning to lose another 7 lbs. CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN! Ok, a bit to much Bob the Builder, but oh well.

Other business around here.......Riley and Keegan had their 4 yr old check up on Tuesday and things are going well. Keegan is 36 lbs and 41 in tall, and Riley is 37 lbs and 40 in tall. Both look great!! Keegan is been having...well, since he was little some issues with worrying, afraid of failing, and he has his troubles with being obsessive. So, at our apt. we talked a bit about it. Now, how much is really 4 yr old boy stuff?...How much is fighting for attention with 3 other siblings....and how much of it is really an issue? I don't know. So, Annika suggested that maybe we see someone in Behavior health. Which really meant....Seeing a PSYCHOTHERAPIST. Let me tell you....This lady and room scared the bagibbrs out of me! She wanted to have time alone with him to get into his inner self and find out what is really bothering him. She wanted to know if he has talked about hurting other people...NO! Has he had thoughts of hurting himself.....ah NO! For all I know he would tell her that he peed his Spider man sheets two days ago and now they stink. I don't know. So...We have started a "Good Behavior" Chart. He can earn up to a nickle a day. He has 5 items that he needs to be aware of in order to receive his penny. So far so good. To he has been in the naughty spot once, so he lost that penny, but with out me telling him - he went up to his room and started to clean it, so he earned that penny back. At the end of the week if he has 30 - 35 penny's, he can have one on one time with either Daddy or I, and do an activity just with us. So, hopefully this will help. Riley also has a chart, but she has a chore chart instead and it works the same for her. We'll cross our fingers to see if this helps with his behaviors.
Today we had testing for Title one (preschool). Title one helps kids get ready for Kindergarten but they must meet a "need" requirement to enroll. Well, Today we found out that Both Riley and Keegan are smarter that a sharpened pencil. They did great. There was NO WAY Riley would need to enroll in this class, but Keegan on the other hand is being recommend for the class. Because of his obsessiveness and his worrying, they feel that this Title one class will be good for him. The nice thing is that it is at the school that they will both be going to come elementary time. The bad thing is that they will be separated the for the first time. I am not sure how they will both respond. If Keegan gets in, I do not think I will put Riley in preschool next fall. The teachers suggested any type of class with "play time". So, she and I may just take some classes instead. We'll see. We should hear back from the school district by March and then we will plan things a bit better.
So, that's my life right now in a nutshell. If anyone has any suggestions for me, please....I would love to hear them!


Anonymous said...

Whew! Does it ever slow down for you guys????

Amy W said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...

Congrats on your weight loss too. Keep up the good work!

Growing up with a twin was unique as I am sure you know. I was the bossy one (hehe) and Mike, my brother was definitely laid back and subdued. I worried and obsessed (much like Riley).

My brother and I were in a school district that did not let twins in the same class at school. And then when we got to high school, he actually went to a school for the gifted and I went to "normal" high school. So we were separated alot in school. But then we went to the same college and I dated his roommate...long story.

Love your blog, keep up the good work! You've snagged another reader.