Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thunder Thigh Thursday - Home from Mexico

Home at last - Home at last - Thank God we are home at last!

We had a great time on our trip, but it is ALWAYS nice to come home (even though there was a 87 degree temp difference - Yuck!)

As for my "Thunder Thigh Thursday" - I am down 1 pound. I was totally shocked considering I did not follow through with my plan of exercising and dieting - that all went out the window when I couldn't read the labels at Walmart! So, I enjoyed myself! 2 weeks of no worries. I figured as long as my clothes and suit fit - I was in the clear!

Here are a few pictures of our trip -

Enjoy - we sure did.

A view from the Cross in Acapulco

Family picture at the Grand Mayan resort

Oh, daddy is going to be mad that the BEARS lost!

Cooper and Mommy hangin' out at the pool!

Daddy, Riley, and Keegan going fishing at Bou Bous.

Mommy's big day fishing. No sail fish - but these were tough enough!

1 comment:

Lost A Sock said...

Oh, you got spammed up there. Go away spam!


I can't believe you went ON VACATION and LOST WEIGHT!! Who does that? You lost more than me, and I was at home, with points, near a gym.

That picture of the six of you is beautiful!

Also, I know Kerri reads your blog, so in case she reads my comment here -- Congratulations Kerri!!