Monday, June 18, 2007

Mumbo jumbo

I know I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog. It has just been so hard to get a few minutes to type. It's summer time and everyone wants to be on the go!!!

This week is no different. Tuesday, Carson has an appointment with the ENT - Ear, nose, and throat guys. We are trying to figure out why she has been struggling with ear infections. They will check for fluid, they will do a hearing test, and let us know if she needs tubes or not. Wednesday, Carson and Cooper have and appointment with their physical therapist who is from the county Birth to 3 program - that is at our house. Thursday morning, Carson has an appointment with the Ped. Opthamologist (sp?). He is with Children's hospital, but we got lucky and got in while he is here in our town. We believe Carson has a clogged tear duct. Not sure what they will do, but we have been told that she may need a minor surgery to fix it. Thursday afternoon I am going to try to get a rummage sale started, and Carson and Cooper have an appointment with the Early Childhood teacher who is also through Birth to 3 - at our house. Friday, I am going to continue my rummage sale and get packed for our trip on Saturday. Saturday, My mom, all 4 of my kids, and I are driving out to New Jersey to see my grandma. In between, we will be staying for few days at my MIL and we'll stop to see my cousin in PA. I think we will be gone for 10 - 12 days.

Sometime during this week I will take time to use the bathroom, take a shower, do the dishes, clean the house, feed the kids the dog and my dear husband, and if I am lucky, I will get in a few loads of laundry.

Oh yah, and today - I finally hit a loss of 80 lbs! Wahoo!


my4kids said...

Umm yeah I think you've got a lot going on.......

Amy W said...

Congrats on the weight loss even with all the craziness going on!!