Friday, June 22, 2007

Will it ever stop?

Will the big man upstairs EVER cut me a break??? I am thinking NOT!

As I posted before, Carson had a few doctors appointments this week. On Tuesday we met with the ENT. He tested her hearing, checked for fluid behind her ear drums, and was ever so nice to tell us she has a lower tone hearing loss AND she needs to have surgery to put tubes in her ears. Great. Oh but wait - it gets better. On Thursday we meet with the opthamologist. Carson has a clogged tear duct. Wanna take a guess at what he told me??? If you guess SURGERY - You WIN!

It has just been a nightmare for this tiny tot.

Ok, I understand that each surgery last a whole 10 minutes, but it's the fact that she has to go under for each that kills me. In between appointments and a rummage sale I did a little research and figured a few things out. Carson's Eye doc is at Children's in Milwaukee. The ENT is here in town. So, I decided to find a ENT at Children's so the 2 docs can work together during ONE surgery. Doing it this way postpones her tubes by almost 2 months, but I think it will be better that she only has to go under once instead of twice.

She is truely becoming my MILLION dollar baby.

~NICU bill for 26 days: $700,000 dollars

~MRI for Craniosynstosis: $4,000 dollars

~Surgery for Craniosynostosis w/room and board: $150,000 dollars

*Each and every day with my baby: priceless.


my4kids said...

Before you said it I was going to ask if you were going to try to get both surgeries done at the same time. I would think it would be easier on her in the long run and you as well.
I know it doesn't make the idea of surgery any better but my 8 year old had to get tubes when she was 18 mos and the difference in her was dramatic! She could hear so much better and she was just a happier baby. Just a little encouragement I hope....
I understand your comments about wanting it to stop and feeling like you really don't know about the phrase people always say God won't give you more then you can comment has always been that I wish he didn't think he trusted me so much, cause I'm not so sure. We have been through a lot more then I put in my blog with the kids and their health. I do hope that things get better for you and the kids can email me or anything if you like.

Michelle said...

Hi -- I'm so glad you were able to schedule them for the same time, that really does sound so much easier for Carson! August will be here before you know it & then she'll be all squared away.

Hope you're having a great time with your mom & the kids!


my4kids said...

Hey, haven't heard from you in awhile. Are things okay?