Wednesday, July 25, 2007

In need of some help

I am giving another push for our Brigg's & Al's walk in September. I can't believe that it is almost August already. The walk is just around the corner.

At this point I am 55.00 dollars shy of what I raised last year.

I can't even begin to tell you how Matt and I feel about Children's Hospital. I went on air (taped) for the Woodward radioathon (for children's hospital) 2 weeks ago, and I had a hard time keeping my eyes dry. They kept asking me, " What would have happened if there was no NICU for you children to go to??" "Would they have survived?" "What would have happened if there were no doctors in our area who specialized in Craniosynostosis?" "How would your children be if they didn't have the surgery done???"

No, my children probably would not have survived without the NICU, and they most likely would have brain damage if no surgery could have been performed. There would have been no room for their brains to grow. It doesn't really hit you until you actually sit and think about it all.

For you that live in my area, the radioathon will be on WHBY 1150 August 9th - 11th. Our story will be put to music and played a number of times over these 2 days. It is very similar to the St. Judes radioathon - if you've ever heard it.

Most of you know that our children were asked to be in the spot light for this years walk. Their pictures and stories are in the booklet that you get with the walk info. They will also be honored at the starting line of this years walk. We will pass by hundreds of thousands of people raising money to help children like ours.

Please help other children like ours, and those who are worse off then ours. They need the best doctors and facilities that they can get.

The little guys have their 1 yr. post op appointment on the 23rd of August. We should find out then if Cooper will need a second surgery for his metopic suture.
Carson will be having 2 surgeries at once. She will be having tubes placed in her ears, and she will be having a tear duct opened. We are hoping to have this scheduled for late august early September. Carson has had some low tone hearing loss that we hope will return when the fluid is released from her ear drums. This will all be done at Children's.

Please pass this on to anyone else who you think will donate.

Please also remember, we are not just walking for Carson and Cooper this year. We are also walking in memory of my friends little girl Lydia who was still born in May.

To donate, just go to the upper right hand side of my blog where it says DONATE NOW.

Thank you.

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