Friday, January 27, 2006

Let the fun begin.....

...not sure if that's the best title for this session, but it's pretty much the truth.
November 12, 2005......Matt and the kids and I were out side cleaning the garage. I was at this point exactly 31 weeks pregnant with Carson and Cooper. I had been feeling great all day.... a lot like the "nesting" feeling you get when you are just about done with your pregnancy. I hadn't been doing a whole ton of work, just minor things and playing with the twins. We called it a day at about 4pm and cleaned up to get supper started. We ate, I got the kids bathed and got them ready for bed.
I had recieved a phone call from Molly at around 8pm and we were chatting about how much fun shopping she had that day. All of a sudden, my contractions started. I remember trying to listen and answer Molly to the best of my ability when I couldn't take it any more. I mentioned to her that my contractions had started and they were coming every 2- 3 minutes and lasting about 15-30 seconds. She calmly mentioned to me that I should get off the phone with her and that I should call my Doctor. I remember saying, nope, I'm fine............about 5 minutes later, I wasn't fine. I called the Doc and was told to come to the birthing center asap. We got my good friend Erin, who also has 3 yr old twin boys to come and stay with the kids until my parents could get there. Our hospital is 20 minutes away. I continued to keep track of my contractions as my husband drove ever so calmly. We arrived at the hospital, wheeled me up to the Birthing unit and was examed within 5 minute of arriving. Would you know it....I was contracting and was already dialated to 3 cm. The Doctor ordered me to be put on drugs to stop my contractions. But what about being dialated to 3cm? We knew I would be having a c-section and with that, they don't like you to be dialated to far or the procedure can not be done. I WAS A WRECK! On top of that.....My incision from my previous section was starting to hurt, a lot.
My Doctors fear was that I may rupture my lining and we would have an extreme medical emergency, for all 3 of us. At that point, it was discussed that I would be making the hospital my new home. For how long? We didn't know.
Day 2- Contractions had stopped and things were not progressing any more. A C- section was still in the plans. Still needed to stay in the hospital to be monitored in case the incision would worsen.
Day 3 - Everything was still going as planned. Things were going well and even talk of me going home was discussed. EXCEPT....that I would have to be on total bed rest. Right....with 2 - almost 3 yr olds at home? Like that would ever happend. I expressed my fears to the doc and he felt it would be in my best interested that if there was no way to be on bed rest, that I should stay in the hospital. Good Plan Doc. Once again...for how long? My Doctor was still concernd about my interior incision, so to be on the safe side, incase we would have to deliver at 31 weeks......the neonatologist came to see us. He explained the worst of the worst of delivering 31 week old twins. Nothing good, all about the bad. I wished to god that I wouldn't have to go through that. They even suggested that we take a tour of the NICU to see where our kids would be living. Not bad....You think intensive care unit and you instantly think.....sterile and white? Right?? Not here. It was full of color...each big room was called a pod and it had room for 6 babies - they had 4 pods. Each had a theme..our was the balloon room. It was decorated with hot air balloons. Except this part of the hospital was now - Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin. The whole thing just freaked me out.
Day 4 - Incision hurting like a MOFO........I could bearly stand it. It didn't help either that Cooper had been lying right on it. I swore that everytime he kicked me a foot was coming through. Doctor came in....we discussed our options.....talked to a few nurses and said...." I just don't feel right, something is wrong". With that said.....the doctor ordered my section to be scheduled at 4pm that day. We were not going to take the chance of losing all 3 of us if I were to rupture. But now.....I need to face my other demonds.....the NICU!!! I didn't want my babies to be sick, and even though it was very lovely....I didn't want the NICU to be my childrens home..and for how long? 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months?????? The unknown was killing me.
4pm came and went...before I knew it I was lying on the operating table, except....something went wrong with my spinal. It had gone up way to far. I was numb all the way up to my throat. Couldn't breath, the room was spinning a mile a minute......and my husband was kicked out after the babies were safe........Respitory distress to doc told me. All I could hear was the NICU doc say, "There safe"and that was it. I didn't come out of it until 9pm that night. Never saw my kids....they were rushed right to the NICU - recesitated (sp?) and intibated. Scared, HELL YA!


Lost A Sock said...

My God what a crazy scary time, eh? I'm so glad that part of things is over for you, and now you have these beautiful babies to love....and are they ever loveable!!! :0)

Frema said...

Reading your story sent chills up my spine. I am always amazed at the courage women are capable of when it comes to bringing children into this world.

So glad things are better and all of your babies are now safe at home. :)