Tuesday, September 26, 2006

1 hurdle at a time

Team B is now 10 .5 months and Cooper has yet to find his legs. He is doing a great job rolling, and a great job sitting, but try to get him to stand - never. This kid is killing me. Team B had their Physical therapy appoinment today (in home) and things didn't go as well as I would have hoped. Our PT is great. She's the same one we've had since Riley and Keegan we born. She did a lot of work with Riley and not so much with Keegan. Same with team B. She works a lot with Cooper, but does not need to be with Carson. Riley was measured today for the orthotics she needs. A whopping $30.00 a foot, and Lisa thinks the Keegan will also need them. Swell.
Carson got a big A+ today. Lisa was able to get her up on her knees and to start rocking back and forth. I'm not sure I am ready for a true crawler yet! And Cooper.....He got an A+ for his sitting and his rolling but a F in standing. We were told that if he does not find his legs by 11 months, he will need leg braces. These braces will force him to keep is legs straight. He will have to learn to put weight on them. So, we'll see. I'm not sure I can get him to find them in a few weeks. Maybe it will be good for him, who knows....I'm just tired of putting this kid through everything on god's green planet. I guess this is to be expected since they were preemies.
Oh well. I'm sure it won't be as bad as I seem to be making it, but come on man, I am still coming down from a very busy past 2 months.
Anyhow......thurs far they are healthy - that's all I can ask.


Lost A Sock said...

First of all, that picture is GORGEOUS.

I'm sorry to hear about Cooper and the braces. That's awful. Maybe he'll get it together in the 11th hour? Glad to hear that everyone else is doing well though. I should probably have KJ fitted for orthodics as well. Gah.

Anonymous said...

Cin ~ the photo is WONDERFUL!

What style of orthodics is Riley needing - an insert for the shoe, or something more? Austin had a couple of variations along the way - one in the shoe type, and another that covered the foot and ankle. They'll become routine in no time, I promise.

Here's hoping Cooper takes a big jump and knocks over the hurdle prior to you needing to jump another.

The kids really look great.

Frema said...

Those babies of yours are so cute. I can't believe how big they are!

Also, I was pleasantly surprised to check this link and see you blogging again. Good to have you back. :)