Monday, September 25, 2006

The beginning of a new season

Maybe it's just Wisconsin, but fall is here. It did not sneak up on us this year, it down right slapped us in the face! But, we are having a blast with it. Being this is Carson and Cooper's
first fall, there are many new things to explore. Like grass for one. Now that they are sitting, they have become more interested in the long green pricky stuff. Oh, and Carson can't get enough of the leaves!!! She is too funny! She tested 4 leaves out before she figured out that leaves are not to eat.

Yesterday we made our first batch of "fall" cookies. I think the wrapper actually said "Halloween" on it but either way, Cooper loved it. He's got the "now you see it" picture and the

"now you don't and where in the hell did my cookie go?" picture.

I love this time of year. Time you can snuggle up in a nice pair of comfy jeans and a heavy sweater and head out to a Friday night high school football game, or a nice stroll with the stroller on a crisp cool afternoon. Why can't it be like this all year round?

I know I stared this blog last January to help me cope with the second set of twins early arrival, but I haven't been very good about keeping up with the first set; Riley and Keegan. Riley and Keegan started pre school this year!!! I know, Pre school!!!! What a big step. They go Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:15a - 11:45a. It's great. We'll, Riley and I think it's great. Keegan, well, if he could overcome his issues with me leaving him, I think he would like it better too. They have been in school 7 days now, and 7 days he screams his head off when I get ready to leave. Even today - I stayed to volunteer in their class room and he just about had a stroke when I left the classroom to help another little girl wash her hands. Hopefully he will adjust soon and enjoy school a lot more. This kids have never been away from our family. They have either been with Matt and I or with my parents. Am I shooting my self in the foot now???? I don't know. I am glad we are getting it out of our systems now, so by the time they reach kindergarten they will be fine. I know deep down inside that they will be fine, but it breaks my heart everytime I drop them off. There is nothing like the sound of your child begging you not to leave him. Hopefully one day this to will pass.


Anonymous said...

Cindy, Your children are so beautiful! They seem to be doing so well.God Bless.... As for Keegan, just remember that boys don't mature as fast as girls and he just needs some more time. He'll get used to it (and he also may feel that he's missing out on something you might do with the babies when he's at school. I know that's how Sant was with our Matt when she went to Pre-school.)He'll grow into it.

Lost A Sock said...

Awesome pictures!! I love that second one of Cooper with the cookie. The look on his face is priceless!

Keegan will do ok at school. Sometimes it takes a while, but he will get into the groove of things. (And by sixteen we will be yelling at them, Dammit stay home for once!)

Anonymous said...

Love those cookies! We made them over the weekend too! YUMMY! Looks like Cooper enjoyed his. :)

No advice for Keegan and the drop off time. Madi did it to us for a while and I remember that rip your heart out moment. I remember having my dad take her a few times and it gave my heart a break. I also remember she either didn't do it with him or not as bad. Not sure if its an option to have someone else he's comfortable with do a drop off a time or two to help stop the cycle? Also, I remember the daycare starting a "reward" program with her if she didn't cry when I left she could pick a prize. It was something very minor - a sticker, fancy pencil,etc... ANYTHING to keep your sanity. I love what 'lost a sock' said... I don't even dare to think about the teen years!

Diane Arias said...

I've been meaning to say... glad to see you blogging regularly again. I heart fall as well.

Frema said...

What a great group shot!