Thursday, September 21, 2006

And then they were round

A few days ago I gave up both Carson's and Cooper's caringbridge sites. I figured I didn't really want to be running all three sites all at the same time. And when would I have time to keep all three going??? Because you know with having 2 sets of twins that I have sooooo much extra free time!!! So here is a new update on both kids. Cooper is healing extremly well. He is a bit cranky, but I am not sure that it's is surgery related. I can see and feel both of his top teeth. Both teeth have popped the skin so I know that must be the issue.
Here is a picture of Cooper 2 weeks post op.
Carson is also doing extremly well. I would say 80% of her stiches are already gone. She looks great. She also is popping teeth. She has 3 on the bottom and is ready to pop a forth.
Here is a picture of Carson a little over a 1 month post op.
Tada- Our new trick!!!! They both can sit now for more then a split second - actually it's like 10 minutes or so. They love it. It's the next best to formula and the bottle.
Cooper has such a "boy" look to him now that is head is wider and Carson is still a cutie! Even more so now.
Am I a baby? Or a chipmunk packing nuts? We are off to Milwaukee today to see Dr. Jensen for Cooper's 2 week check up. We will report more later.


Lost A Sock said...

They look awesome!! The last picture, especially your caption, cracked me up.

I'm so glad this is behind you guys now.

Diane Arias said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Those babies of yours look fan-flippin'-tastic... so happy for you...those lil' ones and your family.