Sunday, March 05, 2006

It finally hit me

I have been struggling for the last few weeks on what I wanted to give up for Lent. Now that it has already begun, it's about time I get serious. As many of you know, I have been struggling with my weight. Actually, I have been struggling with it ever since college. I have tried every diet and almost every prescripted medication out there. I flew through Jenny Craig, lost 50 lbs, but at that time, I wasn't mature enough to keep it off. You have really got to want to do it in order for the weight to come off. I've even gone as far as singing up on Dr, Phils' online "weight loss challenge". I went on the site looking for a "diet" partner. Someone who could help me and I them. Well, For some reason, that didn't work out as planned. I did however met a friend. My friend Molly and I went looking for each other. Not on purpose, but we were both looking for a partner to help us through. I am sad that we didn't lose any weight, but very excited that I gained a new friend.
As I laid in bed this morning I thought to myself - man, my body hurts. I wonder if It would still hurt if I was 50lbs lighter? And Wham.....something smacked me right in the face. Yes, my body might still ache, but I would be 50 lbs lighter. So, I have decided to to give up food for Lent. Ok, not all food, but you know what I mean. I dug deep into the kitchen drawer and pulled out my weight watchers packet. I feel strong. I think I am finally serious about sheding this extra person I have been carring around for TOO DAMN LONG! I will be 33 come April, I have 4 children that need me not only as a mom, but as a playmate. I know 50lbs isn't going to cure everything, but it's a damn good start. I plan to lose weight for Lent this year, and many more to come.
I am woman, hear me roar! Watch out bikini' about 10 yrs, I'll be looking for ya!


Lost A Sock said...

Yeah!! You can do it!! Welcome to the wagon. Maybe we can try to do this again, eh?

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that it takes maturity to keep the weight off??? I'm in BIG trouble!!! In 3 weeks' I'm going to be 52 and I've yet to be able to keep off any of the weight I've lost in my life! I thought I was bad at hiding, because it sure keeps finding me!!! God luck, it works if the want is there!