Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Birthdays and Winter in Wisconsin

Well, it's been a busy last week or so. We finally got the snow the kids had been hoping for. Me, I don't care so much. And Riley and Keegan finally tured 4! Holy Cow 4! It just seems like yesterday I was getting ready to burst with them!
Boy, time flies when you are having fun! We are all busy with school, colds and trying to get packed for this insane trip that we are taking to Mexico. To be honest, I have no idea where to start with it all. All I know for sure is to pack swim suits and sun tan lotion. From there, I guess we'll see what pops itself into the suit case!
* Stay tuned, there should be an exciting Thunder Thigh Thursday ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I confess, I've been holding off!!! Cindy, you look great! I am so proud of you. It's nice that the kids got their snow. What's a winter without snow? I still can feel the joy in trudging through it and laying down in it and just being a kid! The kids all look like they're doing great (I keep you all in my prayers) Happy Birthday Riley and Keegan! Have fun being 4! and lastly, ENJOY your trip! God Bless.