Thursday, February 09, 2006

Am I..... over protective of my kids? Do I really let them act/play like 3 yr olds??? Or more like newborns???? Let me just Keegans life time - 3 yrs mind you, he has only had minor scrapes and brusies, Riley on the other hand has already broken her wrist - did the whole cast thing and everything. It was due to a nice backwards flip off her bed. I scored it as a 9.0 after all was said and done.
Now - I sent my kids off on a nice vacation with my parents out to see great grandma and they came back looking like this!!! What the heck????

Please note, they did not leave looking like this.
A few days into their vacation they were at "froggie" park, just down the street from my grams and the first accident happend. Note - my dad didn't tell me, he told Matt. Riley was swinging on a swing and Keegan walked right smack behind her and caught it right in the shnaz. From what I was told.......blood was gushing everywhere and "papa" had no tissues along. The park trip was cut short. Keegan had to walk home with blood pouring out of his nose. What do you think all the neighbors thought????? No less the cops across the street at the Police station.
Then.....they took both kids to my grams "financial planners" office and accident number 2 happend. It's coming to you "live via picture. Keegan was running around and caught the corner of a metal desk right smack in the forehead. Once again......I was told blood was gushing. This time my mom tells me TWO days later - I should be happy she told me I guess.. I ask " do you think it needs stiches?" She replies......I'm not sure. Dad just squeezed it together and put a band aid on it. Oh Gee, ok. Never mind the gouge in his forehead now. Next, it's Rileys turn. They are out for a walk, Riley stands up in the stroller and attempts to jump out. Except, her foot gets caught, trips, and lands face first into the sidewalk. This poor girl has road rash written all over her face! Her nose, her lip and she left the skin of her chin somewhere along the route. Good God! And to think I had an appointment to have family pictures done on Sunday - silly me.
We show up at the airport and the kids show up with "tatoos" (aka - band aids) all over the faces. is it me, or am just to over protective of my chidren? Can we say "maderma for kids" here we come?

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