Saturday, February 04, 2006

Then and Now - Carson

Carson Mary Cole
5:00 pm
NICU stay 11.15 - 12.11

Then: 4 lbs .4 oz , 17 in long. On a heart monitor, oxygen monitor, oxygen, IV, Apneas and bradys, jaundice, not a very good eater, but cute as a button. Preemie diapers and clothes....too big! Loves her doctors.

Now: 9lbs 1 oz 19 3/4 in long. Loves to eat and needs her beauty rest. Loves baths and her nuk. Loves her big brother and sister. Hates her acid reflux and reflux medicine. Still on caffine and vitamins. Loves her papasan chair. finally fits into NB/0-3.


Frema said...

How wonderful that your babies are growing so well. I'm so excited about being a mom someday ... reading about different experiences from different women gives me more insight than a book ever could.

Diane Arias said...

OK, I just realized that I've read, and re-read your last few entries but never left a comment. It might be because I'm left without words by all that you (your husband) and your lil' ones have gone through in their first few precious months of their new lives. Please, continue to share. It's a powerful story you have to share.

Lost A Sock said...

So glad to see Carson so healthy! Can't wait to give her smooches on Saturday!