Thursday, February 16, 2006

Off the beaten path

Oh how quicky I lost sight of why I started this blog in the first place. As I took both Carson and Cooper to their doctor apt today it all came back to me very clearly. I know I stopped our journey through the NICU sort of abruptly, but most of the trip from there on was down hill. Both babies contiuned to grow, both learned how to eat well....well Cooper still had some breathing issues, but we over came that just a couple of days ago, and both were able to come home. Carson made her trip home on December 11, 05. I will never forget that day, and Coopers either. Cooper was well enough to make it home on December 24th, Christmas eve morning. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas have all my babies home with me . Now we only return to the NICU for the monthly "Alumni" pizza party. It's fun to see all the nurses and doctors time after time.
I was hoping that December 24th would be the last day we would have to ever step foot in Childrens Hospital again, but when we were at the doctors today- that hope was destroyed. Our Ped is a friend of mine from high school and has been very up front with me since the get go....Riley and Keegan. Both kids got weighed first. Cooper tilted the scale at a whopping 10lbs 15 oz and 21 3/4 inch long. Carson wasn't far behind at 10 lbs 8 oz and 21 1/4 in. long. The exciting part is that they have officially made it on the the normal newborn growth chart. Cooper is at the 8th percent tile for his weight an Carson was at the 4th percent tile. Very exciting!!!! Now to the bad news. During Annikas exam with Cooper she found that he has a inguinal hernia and has to have surgery to repair it. She told us it wasn't an emergency but it needs to be fixed ASAP!!! And, the only place to have it done is at Children's Hospital - Milwaukee, 2 hours from our house. LOVELY. So, He goes in for his initial apt on March 3rd and then from there the surgery will be scheduled. Once again.....We are back at Childrens Hospital!!! AAAAHHHHHH! This place has been following us like a old pair of holy socks!!!
I have been told it is pretty routine and the docs at Childrens are the best of the best for peds, but's not routine for my child! It is sooo hard not to worry or think about it,but he's only 3 months old....ok, well really 1 month old. I'm sure he will be fine, but he's my baby.
Speaking of Childrens hospital.........They wrote us a letter the other day and asked Carson and Cooper to be apart of their "Children's Champions"program. Anyone who has had treatment there is able and willing to share their story can become part of this program. They are also having a run/walk in the honor of anyone who has come out of the NICU, the Ped intensive care unit, and a few other departments. My family has decided to be apart of the run/walk. They have done so much for our family that we thought it would best if we give back to theirs. If you care to visit our page and read our story, here is our web address:
Thank you again for taking time out of your busy day to read my journals. Cooper agrees and is giving you the "thumbs up".

Good Night.


Lost A Sock said...

Poor Cooper. You're right - "routine" for who? The doctors? Yes. You? Not at all. I'm sure it will be ok though...

Diane Arias said...

Champions, indeed. What a great idea to recognize those (kids + parents) that have gone through so much. Surgery on a three-month old, routine? God love 'em for trying to help the parents not to freak the **ck out.

Frema said...

I hope everything turns out OK. Do keep us posted.