Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ever have just one of those weeks?

I know I have been complaining about my life lately, but damn...It's been a rough one lately. Can I just say last week was the week from HE double hockeysticks! It is truely amazing that I survived it. I think everyones cabin fever is finally starting to sink in and the weather here hasn't been much help. It's actually a big tease to my older children. Who of course don't know the difference btwn 40 and -45 below zero until they can actually test it themselves. It's pretty bad when it's 30 out and my kids want to play outside without jackets on. Whoa- a heat wave. And on the negitive days when they want to go out, their snot freezes before I even get the storm door open. It's crazy. No, actually it's making my kids crazy!!! They want to be outside so bad......that being indoors is making them so naughty. The bickering, the tatletailing (sp?), every little thing is getting on my nerves! Well, the straw finally broke the camels back the other day, actually last Friday. The fighting had gone on all day btwn Riley and Keegan and Carson and Cooper felt the need to join in and cried pretty much all day. At about 4pm on Friday I had had it and snapped. I ended up calling my dear husband to ask if he could come home a bit early. As my husband arrived home, he found Cooper in the swing, Carson in the crib and the Riley and Keegan in bed with me under the covers. I think I freaked the kids out with my crying. Keegan could not have been any nicer to me. He is definately a "mamas boy". He was stroking my hair, rubbing his cheek up against mine, and asking me if I was ok. It was actually very cute! He will make a great husband some day! So, after Matt got everyone out of my bed, I continued to lay there and think to myself.......Tomorrow is Saturday....I wonder if I can get the day off. I spoke with my loving husband and he agreed that I deserved a break. So, the next question was.....oh what to do on my day off. I knew that if I stayed around town, I would end up feeling guilty for leaving my dear husband alone with 4 under 4, so I had to think of something good, something out of town. I ended up calling my dear friend Molly....aka Lost a sock...and was pouring my guts out to her on how bad my week had been and how I had just lost it. We chatted for awhile and she had mentioned that she would have loved to meet me half way....I in Wisconsin and she in Indiana....but she was having company that evening. Mind you..we only get to see each other once every 4 or so months and this time we had just seen her and her family a few weeks prior. It would be a miracle if we saw each other twice in one month. We had only been chatting for a

wee bit before her husband had called on her other line. She says, "I'll be right back". No longer than 5 seconds or so she comes backs and says, "I'm going to meet you". Oh my goodness. It must be a miracle......we are meeting twice in one month! I asked her about her company and she said it wasn't a problem to reschedule. I couldn't believe it. My friend, Carson's godmother.....was giving up her day to spend time with Riley and I in Kenosha. Can I just tell you ladies and gents....I love this lady! From the day that we meet on Dr. Phil's website we had an instant connection.

Saturday rolls around Riley and I jump into the "bus" and head to Kenosha...just a bit over 2 hours. I couldn't wait to hug her......Someone who knew what I had been going she has a 3 yr old and also a newborn. I also had gotten the opportunity to meet her sister Sarah. What a lovely gal. Sarah.....YOU ROCK!

So, after a day of chatting, eatting, and shopping, I actually felt refreshed again.

Thank you Molly and Sarah, for spending your Saturday with us!

1 comment:

Diane Arias said...

Yay for you! You sound so happy and refreshed. Again, yay for you!